
Seducing women - Help!

The game of seduction and flirting are one of the most exiting behaviors in the human species. This game seems to be mythical and the possession of the knowledge on how to control this game an ultimate goal for in particular male supremacy and confidence. Are you a Casanova or an Alpha man and able to seduce every woman? You feel the pressure? Men are tortured by the fear of being rejected. Men are afraid for not being successful in seducing and flirting with women. It is not so strange that many books have been written on this matter. Moreover there are many workshops available for men to deal with their anxiety to approach women and start flirting with them. DatingADVISOR in the Netherlands has published some good articles on this matter that will help men to overcome their fear and start to approach women without the need to succeed. - Vrouwen versieren - Flirten Dutchmen are lucky with these two profound articles on the matter.