
Dating to Cheat

Cheating on somebody is quite a taboo subject and hidden in our society. It involves shame and at the same time often the end of a relation. Nevertheless, cheating on your partner is not always an evil it could be a possible solution for a relationship in crisis. Also in these times, there is a growing trend on visiting dating sites that cater for people who want to cheat on their partner. The taboo on cheating seems to have lost its power and is happening more and more explicit. Interesting, provocative article of DatingADVISOR on vreemdgaan(cheating). http://www.datingadvisor.nl/vreemdgaan/

1 comment:

  1. I own an Online dating Australia website and I stumbled upon your blog while searching the internet for blogs to comment onto. Anyway, when you opt to choose online dating be sure to watch out for signs of married men cheating on their spouses online. They are likely to show when they are cheating when suggesting dates at odd hours, refusing to meet during weekends, proposing intimacy (particularly in motel, car, etc.), profile that lacks a photo, abruptly cutting off communication (e.g. during an online chat or phone), refusing to give home phone number or physical address, avoiding questions about past/future, etc.
